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MS Office Home And Student 2019 Key, Cdkeysales Valentine’s Day Sale

MS Office Home And Student 2019 Key

【Valentine’s Day Sale】







EUR 102.81

EUR 486.47

Click 20% code
Feb.05 ~ Feb.28
Only EUR 82.25
EUR 21.56 EUR 139.47
EUR 28.72 EUR 199.99
EUR 27.61 EUR 239.99
EUR 17.82 EUR 111.88

Off Home & Student 2019 includes:

The latest Off applications

- Word 2019, Excel 2019, PowerPoint 2019
- Be a power Off user—the easy way. Type what you want help with in the new Tell Me box on the ribbon and it will tell you how to do it.
- New themes let you choose the Off experience that’s right for you. Dark and Dark Gray themes provide high contrast that’s easier on the eyes, and the Colorful theme gives you a modern look that’s consistent across your devices.
- Enhance your reading experience with Insights, powered by Bing, which shows you relevant information from the web when you’re reading an Off file.
- Do more with Word docs: open a PDF and edit it, pop in an online video and watch it without leaving the doc, and use Read Mode for distraction-free viewing on any screen.
- Excel templates do most of the setup and design for you, so you can focus on your information. For greater insight, convert your info into a chart or table—in just two steps.
- Create compelling presentations with the new alignment, color-matching, and other design tools in PowerPoint and easily share them on the web.

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